Bioethics Network
The Bioethics network is a Universidad Nacional de Colombia initiative responding to the need for maintaining ongoing interdisciplinary ideological exchange, producing institutional positions to topics concerning our setting and daily life, visualising a lay and non-confessional academic environment allowing free expression in using democracy and freedom, consolidating an ongoing space for reflection, study, dissemination, experience and strengthening ethics and bioethics at institutional level and beyond.

We promote ongoing communication between teachers, students and members of the university community in general and people from outside it who want to participate in debate from broad-ranging perspectives on topics concerned with ethics and bioethics applied to fields of learning who are involved in daily life, scientific knowledge and technological development. The network is also a place for interdisciplinary meetings, reflection, analysis, making proposals and suggesting alternatives centred on problems pertaining to bioethics, ethics and research. We provide an ongoing space for reflection, study, dissemination, experience and strengthening ethics and bioethics in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia projected towards the community in general.
Recognising and guaranteeing sexual and reproductive rights as being human rights in terms of constitutional court ruling C-355 has led to strengthening the regulatory and benefits framework for all Colombian women due to abortion becoming de-penalised in Colombia in three exceptional cases. In line with the Ministry of Social Protection’s guidelines, as representatives of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia’s Bioethics Network we have developed a broad programme for disseminating the rights of women who want an abortion in those cases indicated by law and the duties and rights of health providing entities within the framework of sexual and reproductive health promotion. We do this in the interests of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the system in that referring to sexual and reproductive rights.

Our ongoing and disciplined work has meant that we have participated in publishing three research texts concerning ethics and we currently have national and international credibility in the field of ethics and sexuality due to forming an interdisciplinary, inter-sector group promoting the protection of vulnerable social groups.
We have agreements and national and international links in the field of ethics and bioethics which has led to us being able to rely on the potential of 350 members from different areas of knowledge, origin and social condition today.
We have made a great impact by managing to have institutional recognition promoting national and international network links in the field of ethics.
Project 405 concerning voluntary abortion (project 405 IVE - interrupción voluntario del embarazo) has led to us holding forums in all thirty-two departmental capitals plus two national forums allowing broad participation of the sectors involved (justice, health, education and the community) in recognizing and guaranteeing women and children’s rights. A booklet was produced as a working tool for developing these workshops entitled, “Ethical, legal and medical implications of constitutional court ruling C-355: an advance in exercising Colombian human, sexual, and reproductive rights.”

Carmen Alicia Cardozo de Martínez Profesora Titular
Afife Mrad de Osorio Profesora Honoraria
Ana Delia González
Wilmer Cárdenas Biol.
Gina Alexandra Rodríguez Bac.
Undergraduate Students
Mauricio Martínez
Jorge Bueno
Ruby Janeth Millán
Oriana Niño
Eduardo López
Invited/External ResearchersInvited/External Researchers
District Health Secretariat
Alejandro Rodríguez MD
Gilberto Cely
Director of the Bioethics’ Institute
Universidad Javeriana
Dionne Alexandra Cruz
Coordinator of the Andres Bello Agreement
Gustavo Enrique Martínez Martínez

CARDOZO DE MARTINEZ, C. A. MRAD DE OSORIO. Ética en Investigación con animales: Una actitud responsable y respetuosa del investigador con rigor y calidad científica. Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. 8(2)15, pp. 46-71. 2008.
CARDOZO DE MARTINEZ, C. A. MRAD DE OSORIO, A, MALDONADO, O, CELY, G. Ética en Investigación Una Responsabilidad Social. ISBN978-958-716-177-9. Noviembre 2008.
CARDOZO DE MARTINEZ, CARMEN ALICIA Y Otros. Implicaciones Ético Médico Jurídicas de la Sentencia C355 de la Corte Constitucional: un avance para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos, sexuales y reproductivos de las colombianas. ISSBN978-958-98220-5-0.
CARDOZO DE MARTÍNEZ, CARMEN ALICIA y otros. El animal como sujeto experimental: aspectos técnicos y éticos. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética, Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones Universidad de Chile. ISSBN978-956-19-0562-7.
Cardozo Carmen, Alvarez Jorge, Etica en la Investigación con animales . En Dimensión ética de la Investigación en Salud. Centro Interdisciplinario de estudios de bioetica y Universidad de Chile. ISBN 956-19-051-9. Marzo 2006.
Lolas, F, Rodriguez E, Cardozo Carmen, ETICA Y ODONTOLOGIA UNA INTRODUCCIÓN. Centro Interdisciplinario de estudios en Bioética y Universidad de Chile. Marzo 2007.
CARDOZO DE MARTÍNEZ, CARMEN ALICIA. El respeto a toda forma de vida: el modelo animal experimental In: VI Congresso Brasileiro de Bioética, I Congreso de Bioética del Mercosur, 2005, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Bioética. Foz do Iguaçu: Sociedad Brasilera de Bioética, 2005.
CARDOZO DE MARTÍNEZ, CARMEN ALICIA, MRAD DE OSORIO, AFIFE ANILAB No. 6 Boletín de divulgación de las actividades relacionadas con animales de laboratorio. Boletín. Bogotá: División. Bienestar Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2003
CARDOZO DE MARTÍNEZ, CARMEN ALICIA. Boletín Red de Bioética. Boletín. Bogotá: Publicaciones División. Bienestar Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2003.
Contact Us
Profesora Carmen Alicia Cardozo y Profesora Afife Mrad de Osorio
Ciudad Universitaria - Carrera 30 No. 45-03
IBUN - Instituto de Biotecnología, Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Teléfono: (57-1) 3165000 Ext. 16980, 16962
Correo electrónico: cdcardozor @unal.edu.co, camradd @unal.edu.co, Redb_bog @unal.edu.co