We execute projects orientated towards Bogotá’s regional development (currently involving 20 professionals from different areas) for offering services related to scienciometry, technological surveillance and competitive intelligence, competitiveness management systems and consultations in associative processes. Our work is based on interdisciplinary, interfaculty and network contributions which are coordinated for each project being undertaken. We thus have the backing and support of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia’s Instituto de Biotecnologia and the Economics and Engineering Faculties.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, we produce and apply strategic knowledge in forming high-level professionals aimed at contributing towards innovation, management and decision-making in the academic life-sciences community and in organisations and related public and private sectors, providing cooperation between them and for their sustainable competitive development. The group uses three methodological elements in a typical competitive intelligence and technological surveillance project: Diagnosing the state of the art and evaluating expectations, implementing tools, procedures or systems and obtaining results and applying and validating results. This scheme of work ensures obtaining the results agreed upon with the client and leads to making the necessary adjustments for ensuring the satisfaction of the parties involved in a particular project.
We provide competitive setting surveillance/monitoring methodologies by using information, management and intelligence systems facilitating strategic decision-making, promoting productivity and competitiveness, be it for a company, organisation, profession or chain of production.
We support the formulation of management and competitiveness, technological development and market indicators at regional, national and international company levels.
We seek and analyse specific information about the market situation, technology, resources, etc., related to organisations’ products; and we create specific intelligence systems for organisations’ production activities.

Working together with another four technological development centres we have been creating a technological surveillance network involving 5 different production sectors. We have been responsible for the fruit and vegetable growing sector, achieving results which are already available with the competitive intelligence system for the fruit and vegetable growing chain (Sistema de Inteligencia Competitiva para la Cadena Hortofrutícola - SICH) in the Bogotá–Cundinamarca region.
SICH responds to entrepreneurs’ needs in the Bogotá-Cundinamarca region, promoting their competitiveness regarding technological, economic and market aspects, through a web-based information system providing competitive evolution indicators, competitive intelligence studies orientated towards decision-making and strategic information about the sector’s current state for determined products. SICH is an open space for everyone: individuals, companies, production units, institutions and entities involved in the fruit and vegetable growing sector.
At the university vice-rector for research’s request, we support formulating strategic policy for the next few years. This has meant specifically training representatives from 13 research groups from different groups and faculties in managing technological surveillance concepts and scienciometry and bibliometry tools, explicitly focusing on research and exploiting structured databases from scientific publications and patents. These are useful as they contain interesting information about projects being carried out in the university.

Jorge Hernando Molano Velandia PhD.
Dolly Montoya Castaño MSc. PhD.
Associated Teachers
Álvaro Viña cPhD.
Luis Alejandro Rodríguez MSc. cPhD.
Javier Villegas MSc. cPhD
Miguel Lozano Ing.Ind.
Felipe Andrés Valencia Quintero. MSc.
Miguel Ángel Pulido. Topogr
Ivonne Astrid Albán Gómez. Ing.Q.
Diego Felipe Botero Sáenz. Ing.Q.
Mauricio Tovar. Ing.Elec.
Carolina Garzón. Econ.
Susan Edith León. Adm.
Erika Pinto. Econ.

QUINTERO, F. A. V., MOLANO JORGE, GOMEZ, A. IVONNE, SAENZ, DIEGO F., MONTOYA, DOLLY, LEON, SUSAN, LOZANO, MIGUEL. Cadena Hortofrutícola: Vigilancia Tecnológica para Mejorar la Vida Útil de la Uchuva Fresca para Exportación In: Creación e Implementación de Cinco Unidades de Vigilancia Tecnológicas Sectoriales en Bogotá y Cundinamarca ed. Bogotá: Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, 2007
Technological Product
QUINTERO, F. A. V., GOMEZ, A. IVONNE, SAENZ, DIEGO F., DAZA, CARLOS JOSÉ, ORTIZ, DIANA, MONTOYA, DOLLY., MOLANO JORGE, LEON, SUSAN, LOZANO, MIGUEL. Sistema de inteligencia competitiva para la Cadena Hortofrutícola de Bogotá - Cundinamarca, 2007.
Contact Us
Profesor Jorge H. Molano V.
Ciudad Universitaria - Carrera 30 No. 45-03
IBUN - Instituto de Biotecnología, Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Teléfono: (57-1) 3165000 Ext. 12385
Correo electrónico: hmolanov @unal.edu.co