Molecular Epidemiology of Intrahospital Infection
Our work is directed towards studying and managing intrahospital infection by collecting samples from each hospital centre being studied according to CDC intrahospital infection criteria.
Isolating and identifying the isolates in each institution’s microbiology laboratory, preparing and carrying out the antibiogram (screening test for extended spectrum beta lactamases) and confirmatory tests following confirmation in the molecular epidemiology laboratory. Preparing the technical data regarding clinical the information collected, supported by the infections’ committee from each hospital centre being studied. The information is stored in databases using software leading to easy correlation between the variables being studied. The isolates are characterised by molecular techniques aimed at establishing bacterial populations’ genetic structure, supported by la bioinformatics tools.

The group consolidates trans-disciplinary research for investigating and managing intrahospital infection and proposes information systems regarding the bacterial resistance and genetic characteristics of bacterial populations associated with intrahospital infection serving as reference and consultation for the scientific and academic communities, health institutions and generally those interested in the topic.

Our greatest impact has been constructing a system for managing databases for a Proteomics laboratory and creating a relational database for collecting PROSITE files.

Maria Teresa Jesús Reguero Reza, Diana Vanessa Flórez Salcedo, Laura Patricia Uribe Rico, Elsa Beatriz Gonzalez Mejia, Jose Ramon Mantilla Anaya, Emilia Maria Valenzuela De Silva, Laurent J Falquet, Emiliano Barreto Hernandez. 2014. Análisis genómico del resistoma de la cepa de Acinetobacter baumannii ABIBUN 107m multi-resistente y persistente en hospitales colombianos, Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología, 16(2):104-113.
MANTILLA ANAYA, JOSÉ RAMÓN, PINZÓN AVILA, JANETH ORQUÍDEA, VALENZUELA DE SILVA, EMILIA MARÍA, ALVAREZ MORENO, CARLOS ARTURO, OSORIO, E. J. Caracterización molecular de aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii provenientes de la unidad de quemados de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá. Infection. Bogotá: v.10, n.1, p.71-78, 2006.
MANTILLA ANAYA, JOSÉ RAMÓN, REGUERO REZA, MARÍA TERESA JESÚS, GONZÁLEZ MEJÍA, ELSA BEATRIZ, GARCÍA ROMERO, IBONNE AYDEE, ANDREA ESPINAL, PAULA, NARDA O. Caracterización molecular de un brote por Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de CTX-M-12 en la unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal de un hospital colombiano. BIOMEDICA. Bogotá: v.26, n.1, p.1-5, 2006.
GONZÁLEZ MEJÍA, ELSA BEATRIZ, MANTILLA ANAYA, JOSÉ RAMÓN, VALENZUELA DE SILVA, EMILIA MARIA. Resistencia a Cefepime en aislamientos de Enterobacter cloacae provenientes de hospitales de Bogotá, Colombia. Revista de Salud Pública. Bogotá: v.8, n.1, p.191- 199, 2006.
GARCIA I. A., MARIA VALENZUELA DE SILVA, EMILIA, MANTILLA ANAYA, JOSÉ RAMÓN, SAAVEDRA TRUJILLO, CARLOS HUMBERTO, LEAL CASTRO, AURA LUCÍA, ESLAVA SCHMALBACH, JAVIER. Caracterización molecular de aislamientos de Enterobacter cloacae multirresistentes, productores betalactamasas provenientes de pacientes de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá. Revista Facultad de Medicina. Bogotá: v.53, n.1, p.148-159, 2005.
Contact us
Profesor Emiliano Barreto Hernández. MSc. PhD.
Ciudad Universitaria - Carrera 30 No. 45-03
IBUN - Instituto de Biotecnología, Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Teléfono: (57-1) 3165000 Ext. 16956
Correo electrónico: ebarretoh @unal.edu.co